He cries out from Inside you
Ok we were sharing this week and we were sharing on the gospel and what it means.
One of the girls in the group shared with us what comes next.
”For a while now I’ve been wanting to hear from God. Like I keep hearing people saying God’s voice this God said that
…and I was frustrated….what is it! What’s this Voice that people talk about! I want to hear from God myself….I want to
hear A VOICE for myself…..then the other day…I’ve been having lots of trust issues with God. And I’ve been talking to
my friends about it. Crying about it to them. Then the other day, outta the blue, ‘something’ said to me ‘PSALMS 23’”
…. At this stage as she was talking please understand, just ask the guys in my group, I started to have a party in my heart and started having church…they had to calm me down. I kept blurting out arbitrary pieces of my thoughts and getting strange looks but anyway sufficing to say I was excited. I’m even grinning now as I write 😛
“..so anyway, I open PSALMS 23 and boom I felt my skin crawling and my head got hot. I felt like I got hit with something
really heavy. I was sooooooo excited!!!!! “
I just had to share that…we were only about 6 of us in the group (perfect, small groups are best cause you form bonds) and we had a good time in Jesus. BUT…this list has a coupla hundred people on it including the girl in question and I just had to give God glory and share that testimony. AND also encourage anyone out there, if you seriously want to hear from God He will seriously want to talk to you. This girl just heard a voice say “PSALMS 23”. Now I’m a believer. I believe and have had the same experience lots of times. A clear BOOM. Anyone ever read Terry Pratchet? He’s a fictional writer. Comedy sort of fantasy writer. He makes fun or Fate and Death and such. The gods. And whenever he writes about death walking amoung people in his black cloak carrying his scythe, he makes it seem funny cause whenever Death talks in the book the author writes it in CAPS LOCK!
That’s how I feel whenever I’m reading the Bible and the Holy Spirit tells me to go read something specific! PSALMS 23! I love God. I’ve given God explicit outloud permission to interrupt my thoughts my sleep my day my moments. He can interrupt my headspace. I pray for it. I say it out loud. And I thank Him whenever He does. I know those moments are rare they go as fast as they come. I haven’t learned yet how to “tarry long in His presence” but I’ll get there soon. However, thankfully, the Lord and I have had plenty of imprompt DMC (deep meaningful conversation). I just wanted to thank my group for being vulnerable and open and being themselves!
I also inserted that little skit of what happened with us on Tuesday to setup the main content of this devotional. We read the text below amoung others
Galatians 4:6Galatians 4:6
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6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”
Now because I was already worshipping and excited in Christ as we shared…I believe God allowed that moment to setup the next revelation. We read verses like this all the time but this Tuesday it sunk for me personally. I had a rehema word. A personal word. I KNOW and I CONFESS with my mouth that God spoke to me directly from His throne straight into my heart.
This verse, means…that the only way a HUMAN BEING can called the Creator of the Universe “Father” is because there is Someone else INSIDE me..who has seen the Father! Who knows the Father! Who trusts the Father!
Who is the Father’s real son. Not that I’m fake. Not that I’m just catching a lift on the spirit of Christ. But that I’m only alive because of Him. Now where is my proof that God sees me as His other son? Well if my heart can actually call God Father! It means there is Something else. Someone else. Another being….INSIDE ME who has the right to call Him Father. Abba (how intimate a word, how childlike, how close, how sweet). There is a Person. A Man…who CAN and DOES and WILL call Jehovah…Father God!
Let me put it this way. I love God. I believe in God. But this week. I got proof during cell that God believes in me. That Jesus IDENTIFIES HIMSELF WITH ME and I WITH HIM. Its almost as if He lives inside me. And when the Father says “Andrew?!” Jesus is the one who responds “YES SIR” like I did when I was a kid (all my friends thought my dad was military or that I was weird and he seemed to them this collasal frightening figure lol. Shame…it was just respect). I digress or should I say I regress. Anyway, thank you Jesus. I love you very much. Now I realise whenever God calls out to me ANDREW? It is You Jesus who answers “Yes Abba?”. Wow wow. I’m even getting more revelations right now as I write this. Maybe that’s another reason why in the Garden God called out Adam! Where are you?! Since Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation…I wonder who answered? I think Jesus has been covering our backs from the very beginning.
My goodness. Have we ever been alone or on our own? God is faithful…Ok let me stop having church to myself and finish this devotional.
Read the verses below and have some church for yourself 🙂 . Right now whereever you are…realise, accept and praise God that your life is joined or better yet absorbed into Christ. Hi living inside you is the only thing that gives you the right to identify yourself as a child of God. Its because the real Child of God is already alive inside you.
Romans 6:10Romans 6:10
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For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
Galatians 2:20Galatians 2:20
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I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I liveby faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
John 6:51John 6:51
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I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”
Romans 6:10Romans 6:10
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For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
John 14:21John 14:21
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He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
If you are saved…then this should be your reality. God is your Father. And even if you have trouble believing it (like all of us) or have doubts now and then or struggle to believe in God. I want you to know one thing. As it says in Romans 8:26Romans 8:26
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin, when you struggle, Jesus calls God His Father from inside your heart anyway.
So hang on to your faith that Jesus is your Saviour. Let Him do the talking 🙂
Oh Glory to God!
Shalom on you all. May He bless you with abundance of revelations. But most importantly. May you understand AGAPE! May you understand LOVE! May you worship
So that you can receive a rehema word custom design and angelically couriered from the throne of Grace straight into your mind